News & Events

Insight and out, Prevolv is involved. Offering insights to new design perspectives, industry trends and product improvements. You name it, we're paying attention. We are also out and about gaining knowledge from our industry partners and sharing information. And having fun in the meantime! Check us out.

Rachel Celebrates 10 years at Prevolv

Rachel is celebrating her 10th anniversary at Prevolv today! We have been lucky enough to see Rachel grow as a designer these past 10 years and watch her become a leader in our team as Director of Design.

Showroom Tour Experiences

We’ve had the pleasure of hosting industry partners, architecture and design firms for guided showroom tours all summer long, some of which are showroom experiences.

The Kimball Team Visits

A few of our partners from Kimball International, that we've been working with virtually, came to see our showroom in person for the first time. 

Friends & Family Open House

We had such a wonderful time sharing our refreshed showroom and office space with our friends & family.

Visiting Kimball Headquarters

Many of our team members have had the pleasure of visiting the Kimball headquarters in Jasper, IN, to meet their team in-person and receive training!

Ronald McDonald Blizzard Boutique Donations

The Prevolv team has been supporting our local Ronald McDonald House for over 20 years in various ways. During the holidays, our generous team donates gifts for the Blizzard Boutique, a free “store” at RMH where caregivers select gifts for their children and each other.

SitOnIt Offering Beautiful Work From Home Solutions

Turn residential spaces into productive workplaces with high-performing solutions.

Prevolv, Inc. is honored for a second time to have received the National Association for Business Resources - The Best and Brightest Companies to Work For in the Nation 2020.

Making the Season Bright

Prevolv makes it a very Merry Christmas for the families of Ronald McDonald House.   

5th Annual Tile Design Event - Paint Your Pet Edition

Pet lovers from the A+D community were our guests at Prevolv's 5th Annual Tile Design Event.

Stocking the Shelves at Ronald McDonald House

Keeping the pantry stocked with easy to prepare food items and handy household goods.  

Giving Back Brings Happiness...

A home-cooked meal warms the heart...